Bob East
Bob grew up in the era of peace, love and prosperity, and his favorite thing to do, was to tell a story. You might have seen him working any of many odd jobs until settling down into the life of a tool and die machinist, but when you did see him, you were sure to be in for a new adventure with Bob.
He inspired all those around him with his gift, so much so that he eventually started to write those stories down, passing them on to a new generation of young readers that he could entertain with his funny narratives and chilling suspense stories.
When Bob wrote “Tommy Cat and the Giant Chickens” he knew he had made something special that captured the heart of what he loved and the kind of story that he loved to tell.
Although he had created many stories in his past, Bob had always been a verbal storyteller, and although he would be begged to write his stories down by his listeners, Bob wouldn’t start his literary journey until his little mishevious cat, Tommy sailed off to his fantasy isle.
Bob had the fortunate pleasure of reading his stories for classrooms and audiences all over the state of Tennessee, making him the hot topic of newspapers articles, and a guest speaker at town hall and school events.
Bob East loved nothing more than to share his adventures with anyone who would take a minute to listen, and he spent his life entertaining those around him and those he loved with beautifully crafted narratives.
You can still find his stories today, here!
We are still working to sort through his final works and release them for the world, and in the meantime, he’d love for you to hear the story of The Adventures of Tommy Cat and of Sloan, the Barnyard Princess. Available in our Online store.
If anything, Bob would ask you to read. He loved to read. He always wanted a new adventure, for him and for you.