The Adventures of Tommy Cat begins with “The Island of Giant Chickens”, where Tommy gets lost one day on a fishing trip and ends up on a mysterious island. There he finds himself getting into more trouble when he comes across the islands’s inhabitants; Giant Chickens!
Find out what happens to Tommy on his debut adventure!
Orignally published in full color picture book format, The Adventures of Tommy Cat – The Island of Giant Chicken’s, was author Bob East‘s first published work back in 2008.
Tommy’s adventure continued in 2010, when Bob wrote “The Haunted Well” which directly followed the events of the first book and what happens when Tommy returns to his home, Catalin by the sea, to find his friends have stumbled upon a new mystery.
Tommy is on the scene as he tries to figure out what’s haunting the old well, and prove to his friends that he’s the cat for the Job.
Sandy and Lisa join Tommy, and the Catalin crew is formed in this second installment of the Adventures of Tommy Cat, but will they discover what Tommy is hiding from his first adventure?
When we first published Tommy Cat, we barely knew what we were doing, but we got a fancy printer and we got to work.
That’s Right! The first editions of The Adventures of Tommy Cat were all made in house, by Toytime Entertainment, and we made hundreds of copies before we started running out of toner. Don’t worry, we bought more, and we kept going finding out how hard it was to own a book writing, printing, and sales company. We joined on with some great local events, and Tommy Cat started getting some popularity.
Before we knew it, Bob was being invited to read The Adventures of Tommy Cat for schools all over the state, and that quickly became Bob’s favorite thing to do, making a character out of himself for the children by donning his signature overalls and hat. It even got him invited to speak at his hometown hall in acknowledgement of his literary success, and Tommy Cat had given Toytime its start and our proudest moments.
Even though Bob had become ill, and had to stop doing readings, he never gave up on Tommy Cat. He always wanted a version that was more like the stories that he read, and wasn’t confined to the picture book format. While he rested at home, he wrote new adventures for Tommy and reworked his previous two stories into chapter books that could be read by kids as they got older.
So, in his honor, we discontinued his picture books, and posthumously released his final versions of The Adventures of Tommy Cat in one compilation as one of our Tiny Epics. To follow in accordance, Corveaux illustrated new updated versions of some of the original pictures to accompany the book as chapter openings.
Now you can enjoy the complete edition here on our website.