The History of Toytime Entertainment!
Here you can learn about who we are, and all of our funny names and why we do what we do!
You might think “Toytime” is a funny name for a company that tells stories and makes children’s books, and doesn’t sell toys, but it’s actually a family name. Bob East, our founding author, grandfather’s name was Toy Tine, and we honor him and his memory with the name.
He must have had some impact on our family, huh?
Well, we come from a long line of story-telling folk, as they liked to call it. In our family, it is tradition to create inspiring stories to tell the children to grow their imaginations, thier curiosities, and thier desire to learn. For generations those stories were mostly told at dinner tables and weekly gatherings, and loved by our friends and family, but never written down into a proper format. That changed in 2014 when we created Toytime Entertainment to house the narratives we had woven and to share them with the world.
Growing up, I would hear stories of the LGM or little green man as he was known, and Shining Eyes and Boney Fingers became a popular request, but when Bob East wrote Tommy Cat and the Giant Chickens, he wanted to expand his story-telling and be able to connect with a bigger audience.
That’s where I come in, well not really, I’ve been here all along, but my role suddenly became larger. I’m his nitwit wayward son and recovering artaholic; Corveaux Millions. My whole life has been dedicated to one thing, and that’s the creation of my own imagination, both to my success and chagrin at times, but when Bob needed me to draw for him I was as happy as I could be to sidekick on his great adventure.
I learned so much over those years.
As time went on, Bob became ill and was unable to write his stories, and as times became hard the company hit its first rough patch. Without the ability to read to his audience, and promote his book to the world, Toytime Entertainment decided it would suspend its operation.
Having made a name for myself as his illustrator, I found that I wanted to make a new name for myself as a writer of my own works, and I started the process of Self-Actualization. I began writing my own stories.
I met a keen girl, Luna Millions, who would years later become my wife, and our chief editor. Together, we left our homestate with little more than ambition and set out to find a new home in the Pacific Northwest in the little town of Rockaway Beach. There we wrote, one story after the next, creating a whole universe of characters as the wind blew and the waves crashed, and one day we decided to open up a little comic book store in town. Versus Comics.
My dream was to continue my favorite of my father’s creations, Shining Eyes and Boney Fingers, with my character Rando. I drew a one off comic, and we released it at a convention we held at the local county fairgrounds, The 2017 Northwest Comic Con.
We went on to open a second store and have another comic con the following year to similar success, but the expense of living on the Oregon Coast was too much, and we had to form a plan if I wanted to save our company’s future. So, we took a risk, and we bought land in Southern Colorado. We moved again, and began work on a new home. Then, when 2020 came, things became hard once again, but we used that time to our advantage and we formally re-opened Toytime Entertainment and used it to adopt our Versus Comics brand. Then, we published new formats of our old classics, and new stories in our Tiny Epics line. We gathered artist from all over the world to bring you new graphic novels, and we continued Rando’s story.
Now, our new home is done, and our family has a new base of operations. So, strap in kids, we’ve got adventures to go on!
-Corveaux Millions