Crisis in the Year 3000 is a manga style comic originally conceptualized in the year 2000 by comic lovers and artists Duane Arnett and Corveaux Millions as an after school art project. Though a first draft was originally created, it would take 20 more years before the story could be finished. Inspired by turn of the century anime such as Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, and many others, Duane and Corveaux set off to create a great dystopian epic.
Now, completely remastered and re-illustrated, see #C3K come to life week to week, as we release new pages. Listen along to the soundtrack, a remastered collection of SubMethod’s album “Catalyst” by scanning the QR codes throughout the book, and hear the album that helped motivate the creation of the comic so long ago!
All images are original works – copyright Versus Comics
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